
Darren's Casual Thoughts On Distributed RPC Service Framework

Darren's Casual Thoughts On Distributed RPC Service Framework

service identity: 
[artifact version] + FQname + version

service identity: 
[artifact version] + FQname + version

service lookup: 
1- how many services exist?
2- what kind of details operations/services in each service?!
3- what's the signature of each operations?

service extensions:
1- can I replace the data structure serialization and deserialization?!
1.1 use custom serialization mechanism
1.2 some flag to indicate the mechanism that's used by service providers
2- can I intercept service operations without service implementations' intrusion?!
3- can I replace default service lookup service provider?
4- can I hook in custom LB and failover mechanisms in the service users' side?
5- can I hook in audit and monitoring concerns?
6- can I tune the server side of the service exposion?
6.1 TcpNoDelay?!
6.2 send buffer or receive buffer size
6.3 timeout
6.4 etc.
7- can I expose same service via different transports at the same time?!

service upgrade
1- service framework upgrade
2- service upgrade

service deployment
1- how to ease the large scale service deployment?! even make it automatically?
2- template publication node?!

potential points
1- are overloaded methods allowed?!
2- are multiple languages inter-operations supported?!
3- If you want to provide OO-RPC interface for clients to use, what kind of interception mechanisms u want to use? reflection or bytecode gen?  Are there some overheads in this point?
